Polar Equations


Susan Sexton


The polar coordinate system uses distances and directions to specify the locations of points in the plane.   If P is any point in the plane then its location in the plane is its distance from a fixed point called O (the origin) or the pole and its angle measurement from a horizontal axis called the polar axis.  The distance from O is denoted as r and the angle measurement from the polar axis is .  Therefore the location of P is represented by (r, ) as illustrated in the figure below.



What would the graph of a polar equation look like?  It would consist of all the points, P, that satisfy the equation .


How can we compare this to our usual rectangular form?  If P is a point in the Cartesian plane then its coordinates are (x, y).  To plot P in the polar plane then  and  as illustrated in the figure below.

Notice that we have a right triangle so we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find r, x or y in the equation: .



Let’s explore some graphs of polar equations.


Consider the polar equation:

What happens when k is varied and a and b are fixed? For the exploration I will let a and b be 1.

Why would this be a circle?  Since cos 0 = 1 then we have  so .  So no matter what  is the graph will be the set of points 2 units away from the origin.



The graph is a special type of limacon, a cardioid. 




The graph is a 2 pedal rose.






The graph is a 3 pedal rose.

What do you think the graph will look like when k = 4 or k = 5?






The graphs are 4 pedal and 5 pedal roses respectfully!


What can we say about the effect of k on the graph? 

It determines the number of pedals.


Looking at the graphs explored above, it appears that their domains and ranges were both between -2 and 2.  Lets see them all on the same graph.



So the circle with r = 2 is the boundary

for any of the graphs of





Let us now move on to varying a and b and leaving k fixed.








In each of three previous graphs we had a < b

and all resulted in a special type of limacon,

one with an inner loop.



What would happen if a = b?

(We’ve already seen one example!)




Same type of graph, lets see what happens when a > b.




This graph is again a special type of limacon, a “dimpled” one. 



Still gives us a dimpled limacon.




Wait!  What happened to the dimple?

This graph is a result of a > 2b and it is called a convex limacon.



Let’s now compare






We can use the equations of the graphs explored earlier. 






Interesting, when k is odd, the graph yielded the

same number of leaves. 


When k is even the new graph had double

the number of leaves. 


Lets explore a couple more to see if this holds.





So it holds! 




What happens when cosine is replaced by sine? 

Lets look at the initial graphs explored all at once.




The graphs' orientation is certainly different!  

Also when k = 0 the graph of the circle is a unit circle! 

It is no longer the boundary of the other graphs.






There are some interesting things running through this exploration. 

Some ideas to consider for further exploration might be:

Why does sine affect the graphs?

Why does k affect the graphs?

Are there other type of polar curves that exist but not yet seen due to the type of equations we have explored thus far?

What happens when a, b, and k become negative integers?







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